The AMGA Sub Technical Committee has confirmed Four countries Algeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria are participating in the football event of the ongoing Africa Military games in Abuja 2024.
The draw was conducted today by Brig. Gen. Brahima Diabate, Head Football Commission, Organisation for Military Sports in Africa and assisted by Brig. Gen. O.A. Fawsley, Chairman, Football event at the media centre of the MKO stadium.
The draw pitted the male football team of Nigeria against Cameroon. Both teams will renew their football rivalry in the first game billed for 4 pm today at the main bowl of the stadium.
The second game comes up by 6 pm between Algeria and Equatorial Guinean Armed Forces.
Nigerian Referee Abdullahi Abubakar is the central referee for the game while Algerian international referee Benyahia Houssam will officiate the Nigeria versus Cameroon match.